NGO BMO is responsible for project management, execution, payments and reporting. The project manager is Mr. Sirivith Ann who is Manging Director and has more than 20 years project management experience in development projects. He will be supported by an IT coordinator, who will be responsible for setting-up the computer rooms and coordination of the IT literacy training in close cooperation with the local school teachers and principal, and a Soft- and Life Skill coordinator, who will responsible to develop the curriculum and the train-the-trainers program.
NGO ACE is responsible for local oversight and back-up. Mr. Chean Toing (JC) AIN, the director of ACE, will monitor all funding requests and reporting from BMO.
Stichting IFL is responsible for overall coordination and monitoring. Mr. Rikkert Beerekamp will approve every funding request and every change to the budget or goals/objectives of the project. Stichting Wilde Ganzen will provide specific project expertise.
The board consists of a chairman, a treasurer and a secretary. The board meets on an as needed basis, but at least annually. The board members do not receive any compensation for their contribution.
The financial administration of the foundation will be executed by Bluefield Finance. The payments will be executed via the bank account with ABN AMRO. Payments will be authorized by two board members.
The financial administration of the projects will be executed by the local NGO with local oversight by an independent NGO and oversight by foundations Investment for Life and Wilde Ganzen.
The foundation will prepare an annual report, which will be published on the website.
The donors will receive a quarterly update on the progress of the projects, which is based on the quarterly report prepared by the local NGO.
The latest annual reported can be downloaded here
IFL Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) . Donations are therefore tax-deductible.
On a quarterly basis (potential) donors will receive a news letter
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