IMG 20230830 160029
Tbeng High School

Tbeng High School Bakong Village


15 computers, 1 printer and 1 LCD projector and Screen

Tbeng High School is located along national road 6 to Siem Reap in Bakong Village in Kampong Thom Province. The school was established in in 1984 on 18 hectares with 8 buildings, including a girl students residence, accommodating 1,291 students.

Tbeng High School is located along national road 6 to Siem Reap in Bakong Village in Kampong Thom Province. The school was established in in 1984 on 18 hectares with 8 buildings, including a girl students residence, divided into 29 class rooms. 

The school has 49 teachers, of which 22 female, teaching 1,291 students, of which 690 girls, from grade 7  to 12. 

This computer lab was opened on August 30th 2023 in the presence of commune chief, school principal and department of education. 

The story in short

Mr. Kimhong, the school principal, told during the opening that “It has been 39 years since the school established and we have never had any computer lab. We taught the students by using the IT book where every student has to learn by heart, but they have never experienced touching a real computer. Luckily, we have our computer lab today and hopefully, the students will learn from the real computer. I would like to thank IFL for helping our school. The computer lab will not only benefit to the students, but also our teachers as everybody needs to learn in order to catch up with the technology.” 

Mr. Kimhong, further said “I do hope IFL will continue to help. The school management committee is ready to do according to the plan agreed. We do hope to graduate the students once every 6 months and that the students will be satisfied with their certificates. I will also commit to help the grade 12 this year to have their certificates as well even they are ready to leave school after their final exam in early November 2023.”

Mr. Kimhong

Mr. Kimhong

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IMG 20230830 160029
IMG 20230826 WA0002

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