15 computers, 1 printer and 1 LCD projector and Screen
Krang Sramor is located in Kraing Sram Village in Kampong Chnang Province. The school is located on more than 3 hectares of land and has 7 school buildings with 26 class rooms for 1,165 students.
Krang Sramor is located in Kraing Sram Village in Kampong Chnang Province. The school was established in 2003 and is located on more than 3 hectares of land and has 7 school buildings with 26 class rooms.
The school has 48 teachers, of which 14 female, teaching 1,165 students, of which 631 girls, from grade 7 – 12. The school never has a computer lab.
The computer lab was opened on September 19th 2023 in the presence of commune chief, school principal and department of education.
Mr. Bunna, the school principal, was excited and explained that “I am very grateful that my school was selected among the others. We have two IT teachers, but we did not have any computers. Our teacher only used the computer lesson from the books where the students did not know anything about computers.”
During the opening ceremony, Mr. Bunna said “I am very pleased to see the computer class existed in my school where this will benefit to our students and teachers. I would commit to achieve the plan as agreed. I do hope IFL will expand the support with more computers in the future.”
IFL Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) . Donations are therefore tax-deductible.
On a quarterly basis (potential) donors will receive a news letter
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